Four layers of protection.
Q0005: What are the four layers of protection and why do we need them?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
There was four levels protection mentioned-
1) The environment
2) The house
3) The body
4) The heart
1) The environment- must try to avoid wrong and evil company or places. And occupy yourself with good company and places where Allah (swt) is remembered.
a) What I mean by evil places is simple enough- Places where haram is committed, music, singing, free mixing... obviously the worse the place is the more likely there are evil beings are there. Shayateen obviously enjoy their night life.
So a Bengali wedding that has music is not as bad as a night club, where fahisha, free mixing, alcohol, music and drugs are being indulged in. Their minds absorbed and their senses dulled, their eman floating above their heads making it is easy peasy for jinns to possess them.
Night clubs are more dangerous than an abandoned "haunted" house. Night clubs are usually occupied by lustful, shameless male jinns.
b) What I mean by the wrong environment is places where it might not be necessarily haram rather places where jinns tent to occupy so going to such places at the wrong time is exposing yourself to the possibly of harm.
Examples of this is for women to go out at maghrib time- 20 minutes before and 20-30 after, because the prophet advised us "bring your children inside because the shayateen spread out" when the sun light is being absorbed by darkness.
"And (I seek refuge) from the evil of the darkening (night) as it comes with its darkness" (Surah Falaq 113:3)
The children are naturally weak and vulnerable so to protect them should be our priority. Then followed by women naturally.
The worst place to be at maghrib time in the UK is the parks. No matter how beautiful they look in the day time, maghrib/ night time is a definitely "NO NO!!"
Dark paths with trees, scrap yards, dumps etc.
The worst type of jinn I’ve met were from the parks, specifically near the ponds. So be careful around those sides.
We need to stay balanced between precaution and paranoia, the last thing we want is people to stop going to the masjid for maghrib or going to conferences... out of fear of jinns.
I take my wife and kids in the day time and feed the ducks near the pond and sit around. I know the risk but we need to stay balanced take our precautions and enjoy the ni'ma (blessings) of Allah (swt)
When I’m taking about exposing yourself to the possibility of being affected or harmed by jinns in wrong situations, look at it like driving a car.
If you drive fast- you expose yourself or increase the chance of having an accident right?
But not every time you drive fast you will have an accident.
Because people who tend to be alert and aware and awake have sharper responses and reactions to road conditions. Accidents are few are far between and usually a result of carelessness or distractions. Or someone else's careless driving.
A similar thing with the jinn issue. If you are alert and fearing Allah and remembering Allah (swt) then the jinns naturally dislike or are uncomfortable coming near you.
So a brother could walk alone in the night fearing Allah (swt) like Umar Khattab used to do and no harm will befall him bi iznillah.
The park should be avoided by all, at night time.
We know the prophet (pbuh) said "Shaytan is closer to the one than the two and to the two than the three" So we know there is strength in numbers.
Not just for sister but for brothers too.
I remember the question I get asked most frequently is "Have you ever seen a jinn?" And I always say "No".
You can imagine the disappointment on the person's face. It’s not something to be proud about or boast about if you've seen a jinn. The rule is that kuffar jinns are frightened or dislike being in the presence of people of eman and they never show themselves to a person- except if they do not fear you or feel threatened by you.
So really to have seen a jinn is not a good thing at all.
I do remember once when I happened to be in park, at 12:30ish in the night, just went for a walk with some brothers. Crazy thing to do but since I never knew nothing about ruqya and the nature of jinns didn’t think much of it.
Our eman was strong and our hearts firm so we never gave it a second thought.
We split up into groups of twos as we conversed with one another, as me and my brother walked down the path that lead us to approach some trees at the bottom of the park, we heard a loud, clear distinct growling sound. GRRRRR!
I knew instantly it weren’t a dog, because a dog doesn’t growl like that it was quite human. We both stopped talking and froze... I didn’t imagine it.
So I told the brother who was really talking loudly "Akhi you better lower your voice I don’t think they like you disturbing them"
We walked away and that was the end of that. So the only real experience I had with a jinn out of the human body was in the park at night.
There are many other reasons but we don’t need to get into those.
Sometimes you can walk into a place, and feel weird and cold, and uncomfortable, it’s like a sixth sense.
The prophet said "If you feel the presence of jinn call the azan"
We went to Breach of the Covenant at Birmingham Campus and it finished after maghrib, as we were walking to the far car park we came to a path lined with trees. It looked and felt weird and eerily, we stopped and wondered shall we walk through or around?? after all my sister was possessed after walking through a path similar to this... we could be precaution and go the long way round (head ache).... but we recited ayat al kursi and carried on.
I felt it, they (jinns know) we are only walking through and not disturbing them. Hopefully they might hear the ayat of Allah and contemplate on it, you never know who could become Muslim as a result of a word or action you did without giving it much thought.
Allah Guides Whom He likes how He likes.
The best places to be in is the masajid. Where the zikr and tasbeeh of Allah are mentioned almost round the clock 365 days a year. The jinns feel scared, panicky or get headaches when they enter the masjid. Some do any way, others are prevented completely from entering.
2) The house
It because we hardly ever read the whole of surah baqarah in our houses that we don’t know how much benefit it has. So many times the kids are playing up and running riots in the house and then when surah baqarah is recited there seems to be an unusual but pleasant and tranquillity in the house like if there are angels.
The prophet said "Do not turn your houses in to grave yards and read surah baqarah in your homes"
Even simple things like reading dua for entering home, entering bathroom, looking in the mirror, eating, sleeping etc these are all forms of tasbeeh praise and remembrance of Allah so the kuffar jinns hate to reside in places where Allah swt is remembered.
There are situations where some people might have hammered in rust nails or folded pieces of paper given to them by a "maulana" for protection of the house, but instead they have the opposite effects and that is to keep the shayateen in the house even if you have the Quran playing.
The jinns like giving people waswasa about hanging up photos and pictures in the home, playing music because they want to create an environment in your home where they can chill with their mates.
3) The body
The protective adkhaar that we read in the morning and evening, protect us in ways we cannot imagine.
It’s difficult to imagine or comprehend that by making the adkhaar one could have a physical invisible barrier put around him/ her that prevents physical harm like accidents and harm from the jinns too.
With the jinns they either feel like they just physically can’t touch you or others claim there is a barrier that is preventing them.
I was so surprised to hear sheikh Waleed Basyouni talk about this because I thought this "invisible barrier" thing was some craziness in my head.
Equally he was surprised when I mentioned my experience to him.
I mean I’ve always went into ruqya confident that nothing will happen to me, but never really thought about the "physics" behind it, until a jinni confessed after threatening to beat me up, that she couldn't because there was something physically stopping her like a barrier.
I left her crying and went into my own world. Stunned by the Revelation. My cogs in my mind where churning and turning and understanding and comprehending what just happened.
Did some research, stuff about Allah swt protecting you but nothing specific about a barrier. thought it must be something in my head.
But the more ruqya I did the more I realized that they can’t actually hit you and sometimes even look at you, because something was stopping them.
This is a protection from Allah (swt) and I used to say the mercy and protection of Allah (swt) is lifted from the person commits sins.
The messenger of Allah said "Every son of Adam makes mistakes and the best of them are those who repent"
Maybe it was a test for me or Allah (swt) was teaching me a lesson, but when I committed a sin and then sat to do ruqya, the same jinni who was crying because she could not hit me back was able to land and full kick to my shin.
I was more shocked than in pain, went into my own world thinking "how is it possible?" mind churning cogs turning... eventually I came to the realization that sins lift the mercy, blessings and protection of Allah away from the person.
So more than fearing the enemy or shaytan or some jinn we should fear our sins and the consequences of our sins.
The two protective duas that I know that protect you with the invisible barrier are
a) Say: “Lā ilāha ilallâhu wah-dahu lā sharika lahū, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd,
wa Hūwwa ‘alā kulli shaiy'in Qadeer.” after Fajr and maghrib 100 times.
The Prophet (Peace and Blessing upon Him) said that whosoever says it will have a reward equal to the manumission of 10 slaves, will have ten good deeds added to and ten bad deeds erased from his register, and will be protected by this supplication the Satan throughout the day until the evening. No one is better than he who says this supplication except a man who says more."
b) Say: “Bismillāhi Al-lathī lā yadhurrū ma'asmihī shay'un filardhi walā fis-samā’i wa hūwwas-sami'ul al-'alīm.” in the morning and evening 3 times of each day.
It was narrated that ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Affān (may Allāh be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: “There is no person who says in the morning and evening of each day: “In the name of Allāh with Whose name nothing is harmed on earth nor in heaven, and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.” but nothing will harm him.” (Narrated and classed as saheeh by At-Tirmidhī, 3388. Also narrated by Ibn Mājah, 3869. Classed as saheeh by Al-Albāni in Saheeh Ibn Maajah.)
4) The heart & mind
Allah Says in Surah Nas
"From the evil of the whisperer (devil who whispers evil in the hearts of men) who withdraws (from his whispering in one's heart after one remembers Allâh)" (114:4)
The shaytan whispers in the hearts of men and men withdraw from the whisper by making zikr.
The example given in hadith is "A man being chased by his enemy and he manages to reach his fortress in time and closes the gate behind him"
The fortress of the Muslim is his zikr and adhakaar.
So just in the same way shaytan keeps showing a person a dream or thought to engrain a concept into his subconscious mind, to take control of him, we must engrain the zikr of Allah in our subconscious minds.
And we know this has happened when at any accident or problem the first thing on our tongue is the Name of Allah- subhan Allah, astaghfirulla, inna lilla hi wa inna ilayhi rajioun etc.
So I asked the brother what adkhaar should we make and engrain in our minds- he said the forth kalima to read it after every fajr and maghrib salah, 100x with understanding the meaning, so we know what we are saying.
When you say it with understanding and contemplation it has a impact on the jinn like none before.
Repeat it every day till it becomes ingrained in your mind. So it is not songs that play in your mind but the zikr and Quran of Allah.
Singing and music are tools of the shaytan to keep one away from the remembrance of Allah. How often have we heard of people who used to spend their days listening to music and when they are involved in a car accident or on their death bed, slipping between consciousness and unconsciousness they only thing they can say is the lyrics from the songs they know, ingrained in to their subconsciousness.
The more zikr we make the less the jinn will have influence on our subconscious mind. Making it easier to repel the jinn. By the Permission of Allah.
Allah Knows Best
Ibn al-Jauzi made an exceptionable parable about this battle between man and Satan. He said in Talbees,
"The heart is like a fort that is surrounded by a wall and the wall has gates from which it can be torn down. In it lies the mind. The angels frequent that fort and next to that fort are places where the desires lie. And the devils enter into this surrounding area without being prevented from
doing so. And the war exists between the inhabitants of the fort and the inhabitants of the surrounding areas. The devils never stop circling the fort and looking for an opening where the guard is heedless and from where he can tear down the fort. It is obligatory for the guards to be completely aware of all of the gates of the fort that must be guarded as well as all of its weak points from which destruction can come. The guard cannot take a break because the enemy never takes a break."
The adkhaar are like a sword and a sword is only effective if the person carrying it is strong.
Kamal Ahmed
Former Raqi
1) The environment
2) The house
3) The body
4) The heart
1) The environment- must try to avoid wrong and evil company or places. And occupy yourself with good company and places where Allah (swt) is remembered.
a) What I mean by evil places is simple enough- Places where haram is committed, music, singing, free mixing... obviously the worse the place is the more likely there are evil beings are there. Shayateen obviously enjoy their night life.
So a Bengali wedding that has music is not as bad as a night club, where fahisha, free mixing, alcohol, music and drugs are being indulged in. Their minds absorbed and their senses dulled, their eman floating above their heads making it is easy peasy for jinns to possess them.
Night clubs are more dangerous than an abandoned "haunted" house. Night clubs are usually occupied by lustful, shameless male jinns.
b) What I mean by the wrong environment is places where it might not be necessarily haram rather places where jinns tent to occupy so going to such places at the wrong time is exposing yourself to the possibly of harm.
Examples of this is for women to go out at maghrib time- 20 minutes before and 20-30 after, because the prophet advised us "bring your children inside because the shayateen spread out" when the sun light is being absorbed by darkness.
"And (I seek refuge) from the evil of the darkening (night) as it comes with its darkness" (Surah Falaq 113:3)
The children are naturally weak and vulnerable so to protect them should be our priority. Then followed by women naturally.
The worst place to be at maghrib time in the UK is the parks. No matter how beautiful they look in the day time, maghrib/ night time is a definitely "NO NO!!"
Dark paths with trees, scrap yards, dumps etc.
The worst type of jinn I’ve met were from the parks, specifically near the ponds. So be careful around those sides.
We need to stay balanced between precaution and paranoia, the last thing we want is people to stop going to the masjid for maghrib or going to conferences... out of fear of jinns.
I take my wife and kids in the day time and feed the ducks near the pond and sit around. I know the risk but we need to stay balanced take our precautions and enjoy the ni'ma (blessings) of Allah (swt)
When I’m taking about exposing yourself to the possibility of being affected or harmed by jinns in wrong situations, look at it like driving a car.
If you drive fast- you expose yourself or increase the chance of having an accident right?
But not every time you drive fast you will have an accident.
Because people who tend to be alert and aware and awake have sharper responses and reactions to road conditions. Accidents are few are far between and usually a result of carelessness or distractions. Or someone else's careless driving.
A similar thing with the jinn issue. If you are alert and fearing Allah and remembering Allah (swt) then the jinns naturally dislike or are uncomfortable coming near you.
So a brother could walk alone in the night fearing Allah (swt) like Umar Khattab used to do and no harm will befall him bi iznillah.
The park should be avoided by all, at night time.
We know the prophet (pbuh) said "Shaytan is closer to the one than the two and to the two than the three" So we know there is strength in numbers.
Not just for sister but for brothers too.
I remember the question I get asked most frequently is "Have you ever seen a jinn?" And I always say "No".
You can imagine the disappointment on the person's face. It’s not something to be proud about or boast about if you've seen a jinn. The rule is that kuffar jinns are frightened or dislike being in the presence of people of eman and they never show themselves to a person- except if they do not fear you or feel threatened by you.
So really to have seen a jinn is not a good thing at all.
I do remember once when I happened to be in park, at 12:30ish in the night, just went for a walk with some brothers. Crazy thing to do but since I never knew nothing about ruqya and the nature of jinns didn’t think much of it.
Our eman was strong and our hearts firm so we never gave it a second thought.
We split up into groups of twos as we conversed with one another, as me and my brother walked down the path that lead us to approach some trees at the bottom of the park, we heard a loud, clear distinct growling sound. GRRRRR!
I knew instantly it weren’t a dog, because a dog doesn’t growl like that it was quite human. We both stopped talking and froze... I didn’t imagine it.
So I told the brother who was really talking loudly "Akhi you better lower your voice I don’t think they like you disturbing them"
We walked away and that was the end of that. So the only real experience I had with a jinn out of the human body was in the park at night.
There are many other reasons but we don’t need to get into those.
Sometimes you can walk into a place, and feel weird and cold, and uncomfortable, it’s like a sixth sense.
The prophet said "If you feel the presence of jinn call the azan"
We went to Breach of the Covenant at Birmingham Campus and it finished after maghrib, as we were walking to the far car park we came to a path lined with trees. It looked and felt weird and eerily, we stopped and wondered shall we walk through or around?? after all my sister was possessed after walking through a path similar to this... we could be precaution and go the long way round (head ache).... but we recited ayat al kursi and carried on.
I felt it, they (jinns know) we are only walking through and not disturbing them. Hopefully they might hear the ayat of Allah and contemplate on it, you never know who could become Muslim as a result of a word or action you did without giving it much thought.
Allah Guides Whom He likes how He likes.
The best places to be in is the masajid. Where the zikr and tasbeeh of Allah are mentioned almost round the clock 365 days a year. The jinns feel scared, panicky or get headaches when they enter the masjid. Some do any way, others are prevented completely from entering.
2) The house
It because we hardly ever read the whole of surah baqarah in our houses that we don’t know how much benefit it has. So many times the kids are playing up and running riots in the house and then when surah baqarah is recited there seems to be an unusual but pleasant and tranquillity in the house like if there are angels.
The prophet said "Do not turn your houses in to grave yards and read surah baqarah in your homes"
Even simple things like reading dua for entering home, entering bathroom, looking in the mirror, eating, sleeping etc these are all forms of tasbeeh praise and remembrance of Allah so the kuffar jinns hate to reside in places where Allah swt is remembered.
There are situations where some people might have hammered in rust nails or folded pieces of paper given to them by a "maulana" for protection of the house, but instead they have the opposite effects and that is to keep the shayateen in the house even if you have the Quran playing.
The jinns like giving people waswasa about hanging up photos and pictures in the home, playing music because they want to create an environment in your home where they can chill with their mates.
3) The body
The protective adkhaar that we read in the morning and evening, protect us in ways we cannot imagine.
It’s difficult to imagine or comprehend that by making the adkhaar one could have a physical invisible barrier put around him/ her that prevents physical harm like accidents and harm from the jinns too.
With the jinns they either feel like they just physically can’t touch you or others claim there is a barrier that is preventing them.
I was so surprised to hear sheikh Waleed Basyouni talk about this because I thought this "invisible barrier" thing was some craziness in my head.
Equally he was surprised when I mentioned my experience to him.
I mean I’ve always went into ruqya confident that nothing will happen to me, but never really thought about the "physics" behind it, until a jinni confessed after threatening to beat me up, that she couldn't because there was something physically stopping her like a barrier.
I left her crying and went into my own world. Stunned by the Revelation. My cogs in my mind where churning and turning and understanding and comprehending what just happened.
Did some research, stuff about Allah swt protecting you but nothing specific about a barrier. thought it must be something in my head.
But the more ruqya I did the more I realized that they can’t actually hit you and sometimes even look at you, because something was stopping them.
This is a protection from Allah (swt) and I used to say the mercy and protection of Allah (swt) is lifted from the person commits sins.
The messenger of Allah said "Every son of Adam makes mistakes and the best of them are those who repent"
Maybe it was a test for me or Allah (swt) was teaching me a lesson, but when I committed a sin and then sat to do ruqya, the same jinni who was crying because she could not hit me back was able to land and full kick to my shin.
I was more shocked than in pain, went into my own world thinking "how is it possible?" mind churning cogs turning... eventually I came to the realization that sins lift the mercy, blessings and protection of Allah away from the person.
So more than fearing the enemy or shaytan or some jinn we should fear our sins and the consequences of our sins.
The two protective duas that I know that protect you with the invisible barrier are
a) Say: “Lā ilāha ilallâhu wah-dahu lā sharika lahū, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd,
wa Hūwwa ‘alā kulli shaiy'in Qadeer.” after Fajr and maghrib 100 times.
The Prophet (Peace and Blessing upon Him) said that whosoever says it will have a reward equal to the manumission of 10 slaves, will have ten good deeds added to and ten bad deeds erased from his register, and will be protected by this supplication the Satan throughout the day until the evening. No one is better than he who says this supplication except a man who says more."
b) Say: “Bismillāhi Al-lathī lā yadhurrū ma'asmihī shay'un filardhi walā fis-samā’i wa hūwwas-sami'ul al-'alīm.” in the morning and evening 3 times of each day.
It was narrated that ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Affān (may Allāh be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: “There is no person who says in the morning and evening of each day: “In the name of Allāh with Whose name nothing is harmed on earth nor in heaven, and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.” but nothing will harm him.” (Narrated and classed as saheeh by At-Tirmidhī, 3388. Also narrated by Ibn Mājah, 3869. Classed as saheeh by Al-Albāni in Saheeh Ibn Maajah.)
4) The heart & mind
Allah Says in Surah Nas
"From the evil of the whisperer (devil who whispers evil in the hearts of men) who withdraws (from his whispering in one's heart after one remembers Allâh)" (114:4)
The shaytan whispers in the hearts of men and men withdraw from the whisper by making zikr.
The example given in hadith is "A man being chased by his enemy and he manages to reach his fortress in time and closes the gate behind him"
The fortress of the Muslim is his zikr and adhakaar.
So just in the same way shaytan keeps showing a person a dream or thought to engrain a concept into his subconscious mind, to take control of him, we must engrain the zikr of Allah in our subconscious minds.
And we know this has happened when at any accident or problem the first thing on our tongue is the Name of Allah- subhan Allah, astaghfirulla, inna lilla hi wa inna ilayhi rajioun etc.
So I asked the brother what adkhaar should we make and engrain in our minds- he said the forth kalima to read it after every fajr and maghrib salah, 100x with understanding the meaning, so we know what we are saying.
When you say it with understanding and contemplation it has a impact on the jinn like none before.
Repeat it every day till it becomes ingrained in your mind. So it is not songs that play in your mind but the zikr and Quran of Allah.
Singing and music are tools of the shaytan to keep one away from the remembrance of Allah. How often have we heard of people who used to spend their days listening to music and when they are involved in a car accident or on their death bed, slipping between consciousness and unconsciousness they only thing they can say is the lyrics from the songs they know, ingrained in to their subconsciousness.
The more zikr we make the less the jinn will have influence on our subconscious mind. Making it easier to repel the jinn. By the Permission of Allah.
Allah Knows Best
Ibn al-Jauzi made an exceptionable parable about this battle between man and Satan. He said in Talbees,
"The heart is like a fort that is surrounded by a wall and the wall has gates from which it can be torn down. In it lies the mind. The angels frequent that fort and next to that fort are places where the desires lie. And the devils enter into this surrounding area without being prevented from
doing so. And the war exists between the inhabitants of the fort and the inhabitants of the surrounding areas. The devils never stop circling the fort and looking for an opening where the guard is heedless and from where he can tear down the fort. It is obligatory for the guards to be completely aware of all of the gates of the fort that must be guarded as well as all of its weak points from which destruction can come. The guard cannot take a break because the enemy never takes a break."
The adkhaar are like a sword and a sword is only effective if the person carrying it is strong.
Kamal Ahmed
Former Raqi